Principal’s Message
Education has always been instrumental in the process of individual and national development. The role and functions of a teacher are continuously changing in the present world. Perhaps, that is why, the expectations of the society from a teacher are more and more. In spite of the developments in technology, the teacher has been indispensable. Indian Education commission has rightly said: "Of all the different factors which affect the quality of education and its contribution to national development; the quality, competence and character of a teacher are undoubtedly the most significant." To develop the desired competencies, to infuse the sense of commitment and prepare a mindset of the teacher-trainees to consistently give outstanding performance in their lives is the challenging task before teacher education institutions. We, the members of Dayanand College of Education, Solapur; whole heartedly welcome this challenging task and strive to accomplish it. We have envisioned the goal of preparing teachers who will exhibit in their every act ‘the Pursuit of Human Excellence’ and those who are ‘competent and committed and able to transform society so as to make the world a better place to live in’. It is matter of great pride that in our humble and focused efforts towards our vision and mission we have been dedicating our best resources for this noble cause. Perhaps, that is why, our college is the first preference for the entrants in the teaching profession. With deep regard to the strong, value based foundation laid by our forefathers; we, all members of Dayanand College of Education, rededicate ourselves for the cause of quality teacher education and welcome the ‘Quality Revolution’ in higher education institutes in India triggered by NAAC through its process of assessment and accreditatio